CleanCore vs. Lift and Shift
Stop Hauling Your SAP Junk Around
Ready to make the jump to S4HANA? Don’t just lift all your old SAP baggage and shift it to the new system. That’s a one-way ticket to chaos. Instead, go CleanCore: stick to standard SAP practices, cut the bloat, and focus on what drives your business forward. Here’s how the Fast Implementation Track components—Focus, Communicate, Simplify, Commit, Educate—set you up for a streamlined, successful SAP move. Stop dragging those unnecessary boxes around and get ahead of the game.
Chances are you’ve been through your fair share of SAP projects. You’ve dealt with the deadlines, the constant pressure, and, let’s face it—the chaos. Now, the hot topic is moving to S4HANA. But here’s the kicker: how do you make sure your transition isn’t a lift-and-shift nightmare? I’ve got a few thoughts on that.
CleanCore vs. Lift and Shift: What’s the Difference?
In the SAP world, CleanCore means sticking to standard SAP functionalities and keeping customisations to a minimum. It’s about simplifying your system, cutting out the bloat, and staying close to SAP’s best practices. Sounds sensible, right? Yet, most companies don’t do it. Instead, they go for the Lift and Shift approach, which involves dragging everything they have in their current ECC system into S4HANA. All the custom code, processes, and clutter they’ve accumulated over the years? Yep, it’s all coming along for the ride. And it’s not hard to see why. Many companies have been using SAP for decades to build their bespoke solutions. The problem? The people who built those customisations have long since left; the documentation has often gone with them.
So, companies worry that something vital might break if they don’t bring over every piece of custom code. I get it. It’s the fear of the unknown, right? But let’s talk about tackling this using the Fast Implementation Track (F.I.T.) approach. I’ve got five components that’ll steer you towards success. Let’s break it down.
1. Focus: Find What Truly Matters
When I say “focus,” I mean laser-focus on the business processes that drive real impact. CleanCore fits right into this. Instead of getting lost in the weeds of custom code, ask yourself: what processes make the business tick? Think of it this way—CleanCore is about cutting through the noise and homing in on what’s essential. With F.I.T., defining what matters most in your business is the first step. Don’t just take it for granted that every customisation needs to make the leap to S4HANA. Identify the gears that keep the machine running and leave the deadweight behind.
2. Communicate: Get Everyone on the Same Page
Let’s not sugar-coat it. CleanCore isn’t an easy sell, especially if people have grown attached to their bespoke solutions. This is where communication comes in. And I’m not talking about another mind-numbing status update. I mean real conversations with your team. You need to explain why CleanCore is the way forward and listen to their concerns. It’s about fostering an environment where every voice is heard, and everyone understands the why behind the move. With Lift and Shift, you might feel like you’re taking the easy route by avoiding these tough conversations. But trust me, a well-communicated CleanCore strategy will pay dividends when the time comes to go live.
3. Simplify: Less Is More
This is where CleanCore and F.I.T. become best mates. Simplify. It’s tempting to think, “We’ve invested all this time and money into custom solutions; we have to keep them.” But here’s the truth: complexity is a killer. It drags projects down and eats into budgets. By sticking to SAP’s standard practices, you’re streamlining processes and setting your team up for success. Customise only when there’s a solid business reason. Remember my story about hauling boxes down eight flights of stairs, only to find out half of it was junk? That’s what Lift and Shift does to your SAP system. Let’s be smarter this time.
4. Commit: Get Buy-In from the Top
CleanCore isn’t just a project decision; it’s a strategic one. And strategic decisions need commitment from senior leadership. If you’re going to simplify and stick to standards, you need backing from the top. That means framing the implementation as an opportunity, not a cost. You’ve got to show that this isn’t just another project—it’s a game-changer. The problem with Lift and Shift? It often happens because companies don’t have the guts to challenge the status quo. They choose the safe-feeling option, even though it’s anything but in the long run. CleanCore, on the other hand, demands a real commitment to change and the courage to do things differently.
5. Educate: Empower Your Team
Finally, a CleanCore approach thrives on education. Moving to a simplified system means change, and change can be tough. But if you integrate training into every phase of the project, your team won’t just be “ready” for S4HANA—they’ll be excited for it. The easier your system is, the easier it is to get everyone on board. With F.I.T., education isn’t an afterthought; it’s a key element that empowers your team to make the most of the new system. This is where Lift and Shift falls flat. Dragging all your old, overly customised code into S4HANA just creates a monster that’s harder to train on and use.
The Path Forward: Preparing for Success
Look, I get it. The pressure to move to S4HANA is real. But don’t let that pressure force you into a Lift and Shift scenario. Right now, you have time. Use it wisely. Start investigating if a CleanCore approach is possible for your company. Figure out what’s essential and what can be left behind. Trust me, when the time comes to go live, you’ll be miles ahead, and your project’s chances of success will be much higher.
Ready to Dive Deeper?
If you’re ready to take control of your SAP journey and want a step-by-step guide on implementing a CleanCore strategy using the Fast Implementation Track, then my book, Make F.I.T. Your Purpose, is exactly what you need. It’s your roadmap to a streamlined, stress-free SAP journey. Let’s make it happen.