
The Make or Break of SAP Implementation

Did you know 75% of ERP implementation projects fail because of poor preparation? Yes, three out of four projects have missed deadlines, blown budgets, or failed because they didn’t get the preparation right. If we’re here reading this, we want to ensure our SAP implementation isn’t part of that unfortunate statistic. We want it to be the opposite—smooth, on time, and on budget.

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CleanCore vs. Lift and Shift

Stop Hauling Your SAP Junk Around

Ready to make the jump to S4HANA? Don’t just lift all your old SAP baggage and shift it to the new system. That’s a one-way ticket to chaos. Instead, go CleanCore: stick to standard SAP practices, cut the bloat, and focus on what drives your business forward. Here’s how the Fast Implementation Track components—Focus, Communicate, Simplify, Commit, Educate—set you up for a streamlined, successful SAP move. Stop dragging those unnecessary boxes around and get ahead of the game.

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Turn SAP into Your Winning Ticket

Why Execs Should Invest, Not Just Approve

Alright, you’re not here to “manage” an SAP implementation. You want to own it and make the executives consider it a wise investment. This blog dives into why executive buy-in isn’t just a tick-box exercise; it’s about transforming your project into a company game-changer. Learn how to focus on what matters (hint: the bottom line!), communicate in their language, and use the teach-back method to get them on board. Own the process, simplify your message, and turn this project into your career-defining win.

Read more “Turn SAP into Your Winning Ticket”