Make F.I.T. Your Purpose

Introducing the Fast Implementation Track.

Deploying SAP ERP on time, within budget, fit for purpose, and making your mark as the project manager who gets it right.

You’ve been through this rodeo before. SAP implementations: tight deadlines, shifting priorities, and constant pressure from every direction. Sound familiar? If so, you’re probably here because you’re not just looking to survive the next project—you’re ready to make it yours, lead confidently, and get the recognition you deserve.

After 25 years in the trenches of SAP projects, I've seen the patterns, the pitfalls, and the downright chaos. But here's the kicker: it doesn't have to be that way. The Fast Implementation Track (F.I.T.) is about flipping the script and giving you the tools to steer the project where it needs to go. It’s about taking control, delivering real business value, and transforming the way your team works.

Success Isn't Luck.
It's a Game Plan.

Picture this: the project wraps up, and instead of crossing the finish line with a sigh of relief, you’re celebrating a win that moves the needle for your business. That’s the kind of success F.I.T. is all about. No more firefighting. No more last-minute panic. It is just a streamlined, well-orchestrated process that puts you in the driver’s seat.

The Five Components of the Fast Implementation Track.
Your Roadmap to Glory.

F.I.T. isn’t about reinventing the wheel; it’s about using what works to your advantage. Here's how the five components of F.I.T. get you there:

1: Focus

Cut through the noise. SAP isn't about fancy features or endless configurations; it’s about making your business tick better. F.I.T. puts the spotlight on what matters: the business processes that drive real impact. It’s like honing in on the gears that keep everything moving—procurement, manufacturing, sales—so you’re not just implementing a system; you're supercharging your company’s core operations. That’s where the magic happens, and that’s where you show your leadership.

What's the single most important event in your business?

Does everyone agree? If not, that’s your starting point. Explore, define, and ensure there's a common understanding across the board.

2: Communicate

Yes, it's the most overused word in project management, but hear me out. Communication is more than status updates and email blasts. It's about creating buy-in, getting everyone on the same page, and fostering an environment where each voice matters—from the IT gurus to the folks on the warehouse floor. F.I.T. builds that foundation, positioning you as the leader who listens, aligns, and gets things moving in the right direction.

How do you ensure what you communicate is clearly understood?

Just saying something and emphasizing its importance isn't enough. How often have you seen people nod "yes" but act on "no"? Not because they don't want to do what you ask, but because they simply misunderstood the message. That's what you need to tackle.


Keep it simple. Keep it smart. The allure of customisation can be intoxicating, but it's also where projects go off the rails. F.I.T. champions the "less is more" philosophy. Stick with standard SAP practices and customise only when there's a solid business reason. This isn’t about cutting corners; it’s about streamlining the process, saving time, and avoiding the rabbit hole of unnecessary complexity. You look like a genius when you deliver a straightforward, effective solution that doesn’t require a 300-page manual to operate.

Are those custom solutions truly necessary?

Maybe there is a way to change how you work or influence your company culture to align more closely with standard SAP. Because the more you simplify, the easier it becomes to multiply and grow your business using the latest technology.

4: Commit

Did you get the backing of senior leadership? Great! If not, let’s change that. F.I.T. helps you frame the implementation as an opportunity, not an expense. When executives see the potential for a transformative ROI, they’re more likely to rally behind you with the resources and support you need. It’s about showing that this isn’t just another project—it’s a game-changer. And when you’re steering this ship, you’re setting yourself up as the project manager who makes big things happen.

Do you have the genuine commitment needed to see this through?

Because change management isn’t just a box to tick—it’s the glue that holds everything together. When things get tricky, half-hearted backing isn’t enough. Are you fostering real change or just going through the motions? Understanding this difference could be the key to skyrocketing your project’s success.

5: Educate

This is where the rubber meets the road. A system is only as good as the people using it. F.I.T. integrates training into every project phase, so when go-live day arrives, your team isn’t just “ready” – they’re excited and empowered. No more last-minute crash courses or confusion. You’re leading an organisation poised to hit the ground running, and that’s a testament to your forward-thinking approach.

Do you have a strategy that truly gets everyone excited about this new SAP system?

Education isn’t a tick-box exercise—it’s about making the system visual, showing its impact before they even ask. Are you creating that vision for them, fostering real buy-in throughout the process?

A Success Story Waiting to Happen

SAP implementation doesn’t have to be a grind and certainly doesn’t have to be a dreaded chapter in your career. This is your chance to stand out to deliver a project that meets deadlines and budgets and changes the game for your business. F.I.T. isn’t just a plan; it’s your blueprint for success, tailored to put you in control and showcase what you can do.

So, let's toss out the survival mindset. Your SAP project is more than just another notch on the belt—it’s your opportunity to lead, innovate, and leave a mark. F.I.T. is here to help you make it happen every step of the way.

Fast Implementation Track for SAP ERP

Fast Implementation Track for SAP ERP

Deploy on time,
within budget and
fit for purpose.

The BookThe Author